Best strategy or recommendation to make entrepreneurship program a grand success
Recommendation or suggestions for Entrepreneurship development :
The following are the suggestion to make entrepreneurship program a grand success.
(1) New Thrust :
Special categories of entrepreneurs, vis., Women, retired army personnel, handicapped persons, educated youths, Non-resident Indian (NRIs) displaced persons etc. have appeared on the economic scene. The emergence is more directly conditioned by economic and industrial factors. Factors like access to capital, business experience, opportunity to acquire technical and managerial competence have played a crucial role.
(2) support of financial institutions :
Financial institutions should provide adequate and timely credit and technical assistance, especially to small and medium sized enterprise. All this will go a long way in including and sustaining entrepreneurial spirit in the newly emerging classes.
(3) Stress On Research :
Greater emphasis should be put on research relating to processes and enhancements of the value of indigenous techniques. This would have an encouraging impact on entrepreneurship and technology at the domestic level.
(4) Suitable Frame Work :
Institutional framework should work towards meeting major industrial or economic needs or goals. Such framework, in addition to its several facts, must place entrepreneurial development and it's objectives in a proper and meaningful perspective.
(5) State Help :
Economic administration by the state should be improved and made more effective so that objective of economic policies may be fully achieved in the overall interest of the country's economy. Better economy administration would go a long way in ensuring and increasing entrepreneurship.
(6) Searching for Talent :
Adequate measures are a must for mobilising and fostering entrepreneurial talent in the country. It should be realised that entrepreneurs are not the gift of a particular class.
(7) Development Of Backwardness :
The development of backwards regions areas constitute a new challenge. Programmes for their development be drawn up and should be effectively implemented.
(8) Management Education :
There is a need to develop management education and industrial training. In modern times, management education is being viewed as an effective supplements to the development of entrepreneurship since entrepreneurial decision have to be effectively supported by managerial decisions. Happily, some such institutions have come up but they should further be strengthened and developed into a first- class institutions comparable with their counterparts in developed countries.
(9) To develop Industrial Culture :
All possible efforts be made very seriously for the development of an industrial Culture. Motivated individuals with a combination of abilities and attributes can pursue their goal with enthusiasm.
(10) Role Of Public Sector :
Public entrepreneurship should remain confirmed only to those industries and sectors where private enterprise, individual or corporate, is generally not attracted.
* new thrust
* support of financial institution
* stress on research
* suitable frame work
* state help
* searching for talent
* development of backwardness
* management education
* to develop industrial culture
* role of public sector
These are following suggestion to make entrepreneurship program a grand success.
I hope that you have got the answer to your question from this post and if you share it, then someone else will be helped and mine too.
What makes you a successful entrepreneur?
* support of financial institution
* stress on research
* suitable frame work
* state help
* searching for talent
* development of backwardness
* management education
* to develop industrial culture
* role of public sector
These are following suggestion to make entrepreneurship program a grand success.
I hope that you have got the answer to your question from this post and if you share it, then someone else will be helped and mine too.
What makes you a successful entrepreneur?
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